• It doesn?t take long for fire hydrants to get buried once it starts snowing for real in Park City. Please make the effort (or recruit a few neighborhood high school students) to dig out the fire hydrants near your home if they?ve been buried. There are dozens of hydrants in Pinebrook, and even though Gorgoza Mutual


Spring Water Sales

You may have wondered about tanker trucks you have seen entering and leaving Pinebrook. They represent a short-term test of a possible opportunity for the Gorgoza Mutual Water Company to increase needed capital reserves without having to make a significant increase in rates.
Parts of the Gorgoza system are more than 40 years old. The

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Dirt in Water Update

The dirt originated from a well at a depth of approximately 500 feet, which is a zone that does not contain harmful contaminants.  Be assured that our crews have been working diligently to flush the lines affected. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

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Dirt in Water

Gorgoza Water has experienced an infiltration of dirt in a well and, unfortunately, certain residences in Pinebrook have experienced dirty water in their homes.  If you are experiencing dirty water, please drain the water in your home by running the hot and cold water in your faucets until the water runs clear.

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